Every Friday, lunch meeting with the management team...

But today, my sweet HR team delivered in a big tasty Mango Cake for my upcoming birthday. What a big surprise! So sweet. So nice.

And I have purple and white ballons in my office. Lovely.

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At the end of year 2006 and the beginning of year 2007, I am reading the book "For One More Day" by the author, Mitch Albom.

Similar to Mitch's previous bestseller, Tuesdays with Morrie, this book is about life and death. It's about a mother's love. It's about being strong for the people you love, treasure everyday you have and make the best of it because it could be the last day of your life.

Well, I guess this is nothing new. But still, by reading it, I get a chance to think of things that seem so "ordinary" might be something I can lose in a second. Mitch's writing is not fancy but fairly straight forward and simple and that, in a way, comforts me.

Well, I haven't finished the reading, still have a few pages left. So I will reserve my opinions on whether I recommend this to friends. After all, ending counts!

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Thanks for Human Resources, we will have a day off on the Christmas Day.

Today is Friday, the company is having a Christmas Party in the office. People exchange gifts, dress in red or green, food on the table, all the Christmas decoration around and it is quite nice.

My daughter told me 2 weeks ago that she didn't believer that there is Santa. I asked her why and she told me that last year she saw me I trying to put her Christmas gift into her sock when she was asleep. So she knew that Santa was me...

Yes, parents, be careful. Don't be as clumsy as me.

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Last night, HBO played the final episode of "Six Feet Under". Even though I didn't get a chance to see all five seasons, I was still moved by the stories that I was able to watch.

I really like the closure of the program a lot. It was just music and how all the key characters ended their life. Year of birth and Year of death, Period.

I can't help imagine how will I end my life. I hope I just stop breathing while I sleep. But it's not that important either, is it? Perhaps my value of being who I am is actually defined by the people who depands on me and how they remeber me at the end of the day. Once those who remember me die, I don't exist anymore.

But that's how it is, I suppose. No matter how famous and important we may look like or the position that we are in today, we can be gone in any minute. So why not live a life that we enjoy? To Love, to Feel, to Share and to contribute the best of us.

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Me and my family took my dog to Da-Cha Park.

It's like a dog's heven! You can see all kinds of dogs in any size or color. My dog was very happy and it made us happy.
Tags: fun, happy, place, dog | Edit Tags

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Admit it, Work is a big part of our life, might as well love it, enjoy it and make the best out of it. Or else, it's just too pathetic.

(Brain-Wash Time): What the top 3 individual capacities (aka personality) that employers admire the most? Passion, Positive and Practive! Any boss will love you!

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I just aware that this "Sudoku" game becomes quite popular.

Can find it in daily newspaper, in kid's TV show and there are information in K+ and plenty of websites out there....

Interesting! New stuff get popular, new terms get hot and sometimes old concept get a second chance to be trendy all of a sudden. But for me, the scary part is not that there is always something new but the fact that I learn this "Sudoku" game from my daughter in a "shame-on-you" way.

That makes me feel old~~~

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I like the idea of Time Capsule and I sent my contribution today.

Maybe you are interested in sending yours?


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We had a leadership development training last week for our engineering team. It's a program that composed by a series of expereince-driven type of activities. It meansthat we had some simulation games, people participate in , feel the difference, and hope has some impacts so people can learn from it.

The games were fun. Some of the participants had played some of the games. I secretly took a picture when they were playing and man, it's really difficult to tell from the picture that it's a leadership course for managers.

Kind of fun, isn't it?!

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I watched the movie called "De-lovely" last night. The main casts were Kevin Kline & Ashley Judd. It is about the life of Cole Porter, his music and love with his wife, Linda.

In fact, I am not particularly fond of Cole Porter's Jazz. And I can hardly point out what's my favorite scene in the movie. But for some reasons that I can't explain, I just couldn't stop my tears dropping. 3 o'clock in the morning, here I was, sitting on my bed, crying like a baby.

It's not a nice way to fall asleep or to start a day either. Gee, my eyes hurt!
Tags: tv, like, movie | Edit Tags

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下禮拜準備帶著一家老小來去北海道... 從4歲到70歲,即使是參加天喜的團體旅遊,其實心裡還是滿忐忑不安的,怕大家費了大周張,卻玩不盡興,睡不安穩,吃不爽快,看不過癮,結果哭的哭,叫的叫,我被罵到臭頭,念到腿軟,吃力不討好 不過這樣的狀況,也完全是我自己找的,原來可以裝聾作啞,自己爽快去,偏偏左想想右想想,覺得平常要爹娘照顧小朋友,有休假時卻自己跑去玩很沒良心,又覺得帶了女兒去,小的(弟弟的女兒)平常親如女兒,要玩的時候卻不帶她,很沒感情,結果就通通全部帶去 想想一家老小能夠相聚的時間也是有限,現在能夠共遊留下一些回憶,誰知道以後會變成怎樣的一個光景,就是基於這樣的想法,我決定要硬著頭皮做下去, 本來想一股作氣衝去歐洲,因為父母只會越來越老,體力也只會越來越不好,所以日子越過也不會有任何一刻比現在更適合跟他們做長途旅行,只不過我還是少了點膽,今年還是小雞的找個近一點的地方試驗看看,如果頭沒變的很臭,明年再來看看吧! 想到上星期老師問我們Why are you alive? 我想,我還沒有找到什麼大職志,但是在這個家庭中,有人需要我這樣東想西想的,我的存在,也還算有點意義 這種負擔,也許就是一種苦苦的甜蜜吧! Tags: fun, travel, family |

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