Last night, HBO played the final episode of "Six Feet Under". Even though I didn't get a chance to see all five seasons, I was still moved by the stories that I was able to watch.

I really like the closure of the program a lot. It was just music and how all the key characters ended their life. Year of birth and Year of death, Period.

I can't help imagine how will I end my life. I hope I just stop breathing while I sleep. But it's not that important either, is it? Perhaps my value of being who I am is actually defined by the people who depands on me and how they remeber me at the end of the day. Once those who remember me die, I don't exist anymore.

But that's how it is, I suppose. No matter how famous and important we may look like or the position that we are in today, we can be gone in any minute. So why not live a life that we enjoy? To Love, to Feel, to Share and to contribute the best of us.

After all, we will be six feet under....
Tags: tv, life, death | Edit Tags

Wednesday December 20, 2006 - 04:33am (PST) Edit | Delete

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