Thanks for Human Resources, we will have a day off on the Christmas Day.

Today is Friday, the company is having a Christmas Party in the office. People exchange gifts, dress in red or green, food on the table, all the Christmas decoration around and it is quite nice.

My daughter told me 2 weeks ago that she didn't believer that there is Santa. I asked her why and she told me that last year she saw me I trying to put her Christmas gift into her sock when she was asleep. So she knew that Santa was me...

Yes, parents, be careful. Don't be as clumsy as me.

I can't believe my daughter actually knew it was me and never revealed the truth until 2 weeks ago. Now I feel so dumb

Anyway, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.
Tags: happy, fun, party | Edit Tags

Friday December 22, 2006 - 12:35am (PST) Edit | Delete

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