My daughter's birthday was in December and her father (my ex) just forgot it. She was very upset and sent him a SMS saying that she was quite disappointed.

The next day, my ex called me and asked how mad my daughter was. I said: "very". And he was worried. I suggested my ex to call my daughter and appoligized. And he did.

Then, it's Christmas time. Again, my ex was on aboard and there was no phone call and of course, no gift, again. My daughter was very unhappy. So I pinged my ex and said that he had better spend some times with my daughter when he comes back from overseas trip. I also suggested him to get something for her. Something nice but not so expensive. And he said he will. Of course, he called and appologized.

Then, 2 weeks ago, my ex pinged me and said he didn't know what should he get for my daughter. We discussed and there was no conclusion.

10 days ago (it happened to be my bday), my ex took my daughter out for lunch (at last). When my daughter came back, she was carrying a big blue bag, the big blue Tiffany bag. My initial thought was "this must be a joke???" And then my daughter said: "Mom, daddy got me two presents from Tiffany."

Gosh, Tiffany? That Tiffany? That TIFFANY that EVERY WOMAN loves?

Later that day, my ex called me and said: "do you know what was your daughter's first reaction after I took the blue bag out? She said:" Wow, you are giving me a Tiffany? That must be really expensive."

A nine-year-old girl who totally acts like a grow up. I can't believe it! What kind of world am I living? And where the hell is MY Tiffany?
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Wednesday January 17, 2007 - 06:59pm (PST) Edit | Delete

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