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我是Paulo Coelho的粉絲,我愛他的書,雖然並沒有看過每一本,但是每次閱讀的時候,都是剛好遇到生命中特別的轉折,有些文字,特別能夠打動我,形成類開示似的奇妙變化。



最近他為了Human Rights拍了廣告,成熟男人的風采,很有魅力。

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A Three Dog Life.

"Dog? I like dog! But how come this "Three Dog" without a S?" I picked up the book and wondered.

The best memoir I have even read. This book is a punch to the heart. Read it.

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自己的摯愛的孩子得了急性前骨隨性白血症,選擇利用基因創造另外一個孩子的身體來救,道德的界線在哪裡? 是非的分野又在哪裡?

孩子和自己的父母打官司爭取對自己的身體的掌握權! 沒有對錯,沒有解答,只可惜這世界並不是非黑及白!


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米叔叔隆重推薦的<�秘密>, 書放在桌上很久了,卻一直還沒辦法靜下心好好把他看完,昨天去聯安體檢,在胃鏡昏迷及點散朣眼球放大之間,終於把它K完了


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我很少去翻日本的翻譯小說,總覺得那不是我的菜,唯一的特例是吉本芭娜娜,也是幾年前晃書店的時候,不小心路過撇到她的名字,"芭娜娜?", "Banana?",在半秒間閃過了兩個問號後產生了興趣,那時候躺在書攤上的是- 南美與不倫- 這本書,他的寫法有點詭異,有點另類,有點...奈良美智,也許因為跟正正經經的那種感人肺腑的寫作很不一樣,我反而喜歡了


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The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost. It's my favoriate peom. And probably the only poem that I ever know anyway. It's interesting how the poem speak up people's mind. And have a significant impact. Whenever I have a tough decision to make, a decision probably other people will not fully understand, this poem will pop into my mind. Remind me of some of the values in life and encourage me in a special way.

Robert Frost's known poem: The Road Not Taken

TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both

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Today, I bought a new book. "Like the Flowing River" It is a fairly new book from my mentor for soul ~ Paulo Coelho, a Brazil writer. I just start to read a few pages only and what can I say, I just feel so right about it and am convinced that it's a good book to enjoy.

Gosh, it makes me happy.

This book is a bit unlike the rest of his novels. In fact, it is a collection of his short writngs and thoughts from 1998 to 2005. Moments of his lives, I suppose. Food for thoughts, I hope.
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First of all, I have not read the book "The Long Tail" by Chris Anderson. But since the book is so popular now, I got to read the preview, the summary, the comment about the book all the time. And people, especially in the Internet industry, mentioned about the Long Tail very often. It seems like finally, we got a solid theory to explain why E-bay and Amazon are very successful in the US.

That's fine! I like the theory. It gives people a different opportunity to be more individualized. It is like: I don't have to be popular, but if I am unique enough, there will be a different group of people (not the main strain) that will get a chance to see me. Anyone can be a star, a writer, a singer, a publisher... on the net. I don't have to be the 20 but still get people to appreciate my efforts.

But is it possible that with more and more advanced internet technology, the long tail will eventually change how people work?

In the past, we also believe the 80/20 in human resources; 80% of business sucess comes from 20% of people in the organization; which leads to how we distribute the reward: 80% of rewards should go to 20% of people in the organization. Will this be changed as well?

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I just read the book "Mind Set! Reset your thinking & see the future" by John Naisbitt, the writer who wrote "Megatrends 2000". I do like those 11 mindsets that he emphasized in this book. So I list them all down as a reference. But somehow I can not really digest all the context under these 11 mindsets. The best way I can put it is that it's worth reading but it's not that interesting.

I especially like item 2. 5. 9 and 10. Well, that's all....


1 While many things change, most things remain constant

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面對網際網路的無限可能,我可不敢在一堆專家前班門弄斧... 只能偷偷的說,我有用功在讀書,而且這本在美日人寫的書,我有看懂喔! (偷笑中)


在我是小朋友的時代,資訊是單向被給予的,事情是非黑及白的! 而對我女兒現在生長的這個時代,資訊多到令人想吐,但其正確性或者是適用性卻都要靠自己來分辨,當我無法過濾或了解所有她所取得的資訊,我應該用什麼態度,什麼方法,來教導她呢?


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At the end of year 2006 and the beginning of year 2007, I am reading the book "For One More Day" by the author, Mitch Albom.

Similar to Mitch's previous bestseller, Tuesdays with Morrie, this book is about life and death. It's about a mother's love. It's about being strong for the people you love, treasure everyday you have and make the best of it because it could be the last day of your life.

Well, I guess this is nothing new. But still, by reading it, I get a chance to think of things that seem so "ordinary" might be something I can lose in a second. Mitch's writing is not fancy but fairly straight forward and simple and that, in a way, comforts me.

Well, I haven't finished the reading, still have a few pages left. So I will reserve my opinions on whether I recommend this to friends. After all, ending counts!

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