At the end of year 2006 and the beginning of year 2007, I am reading the book "For One More Day" by the author, Mitch Albom.

Similar to Mitch's previous bestseller, Tuesdays with Morrie, this book is about life and death. It's about a mother's love. It's about being strong for the people you love, treasure everyday you have and make the best of it because it could be the last day of your life.

Well, I guess this is nothing new. But still, by reading it, I get a chance to think of things that seem so "ordinary" might be something I can lose in a second. Mitch's writing is not fancy but fairly straight forward and simple and that, in a way, comforts me.

Well, I haven't finished the reading, still have a few pages left. So I will reserve my opinions on whether I recommend this to friends. After all, ending counts!

And, call me old fashion, but I do enjoy flipping pages after pages and the hand-touching of good quality books. Guess it's not something e-books can totally replace. Well, at least I hope not!

Tags: book, death, 鬧著讀 | Edit Tags

Monday January 1, 2007 - 05:39pm (PST) Edit | Delete

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