My stress level has gone up too fast. I am usually the kind of person constantly brain washed myself to be positive and look at the bright side of my life. But the technique doesn't work out too well lately. Perhaps it's time to plan on a summer vacation and get recharaged. A nice overseas trip is what I am looking for now. After all, after spending lots of money on a memoriable overseas trip, I will be so out of money, which give me a very strong motivation to work. So, where should I go then? Here is my list (which very likely that I won't end of going): Hawaii- One of my daughter's dream place to visit after she watched the Disney cartoon- Stitch. And I love Maui anyway. Disney Cruise to Maxico- this won't happen because the earlies I cna book is August 2008. Denmark- that just pump into my mind. Just need a place to shift myself completely out of works. That will be great! Tags: travel | Edit Tags Thursday May 10, 2007 - 07:47pm

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