我96歲的外婆打電話來給我媽! 我68歲的二姨打電話來給我媽! 我在美國的三舅聽到我外婆說了之後也打電話來給我媽!


一 . 記者會那天我女兒的眉毛畫的不錯

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昨天這些"網路的大老們"為了Yahoo! 奇摩和無名小站的合併開了一個荒謬的記者會,真是讓人滿肚子的氣...


現在是怎樣? 競爭不過就搞鬥爭嗎?


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所以三隻小豬是誇獎的意思,還是責難的意思呢? 當我女兒偷懶草草把功課交差的時候,我是不是該說"喂!你不要這麼三隻小豬啦!",或是她很認真苦幹實幹把勞作做的很紮實的時候,我該讚美她:"幹的好!你這樣很三隻小豬喔!"

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First of all, I have not read the book "The Long Tail" by Chris Anderson. But since the book is so popular now, I got to read the preview, the summary, the comment about the book all the time. And people, especially in the Internet industry, mentioned about the Long Tail very often. It seems like finally, we got a solid theory to explain why E-bay and Amazon are very successful in the US.

That's fine! I like the theory. It gives people a different opportunity to be more individualized. It is like: I don't have to be popular, but if I am unique enough, there will be a different group of people (not the main strain) that will get a chance to see me. Anyone can be a star, a writer, a singer, a publisher... on the net. I don't have to be the 20 but still get people to appreciate my efforts.

But is it possible that with more and more advanced internet technology, the long tail will eventually change how people work?

In the past, we also believe the 80/20 in human resources; 80% of business sucess comes from 20% of people in the organization; which leads to how we distribute the reward: 80% of rewards should go to 20% of people in the organization. Will this be changed as well?

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「台灣的習俗在變! (停頓) 台灣的社會在變! (停頓)台灣的政治也在變! (停頓)台灣變變變! 告訴你 台灣 究竟在 怎麼變?!」

禮拜天的時候, 我女兒突發奇想的告訴我,她想出來的一個新的新聞節目,要叫做"台灣變變變",她連節目所要用的片頭都已經想好了,她說她是突然想到這個標題,而根據女兒所想的idea,這個節目會是有點像"新聞挖挖哇"的類型


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I just read the book "Mind Set! Reset your thinking & see the future" by John Naisbitt, the writer who wrote "Megatrends 2000". I do like those 11 mindsets that he emphasized in this book. So I list them all down as a reference. But somehow I can not really digest all the context under these 11 mindsets. The best way I can put it is that it's worth reading but it's not that interesting.

I especially like item 2. 5. 9 and 10. Well, that's all....


1 While many things change, most things remain constant

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My daughter's birthday was in December and her father (my ex) just forgot it. She was very upset and sent him a SMS saying that she was quite disappointed.

The next day, my ex called me and asked how mad my daughter was. I said: "very". And he was worried. I suggested my ex to call my daughter and appoligized. And he did.

Then, it's Christmas time. Again, my ex was on aboard and there was no phone call and of course, no gift, again. My daughter was very unhappy. So I pinged my ex and said that he had better spend some times with my daughter when he comes back from overseas trip. I also suggested him to get something for her. Something nice but not so expensive. And he said he will. Of course, he called and appologized.

Then, 2 weeks ago, my ex pinged me and said he didn't know what should he get for my daughter. We discussed and there was no conclusion.

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這樣的報導赤裸裸的在電視新聞中被一遍又一遍重複著, 讓人有點不忍,想必這也是她並不預見的曝光,只是聽到她的解釋: 「很多字在平常的讀法跟古詩詞裡的讀法,是不太一樣的,如果大家有看我的部落格,就知道我那陣子身體很差。」又覺得唉!何必這樣硬ㄠ



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Two days in a roll, two friends recommended this music on-line services to me. I can't resist the desire to check it out and man, I like it.

The great part about Pandora is that you can give it some clue what kind of music you like or what kind of music you like, and then the system can create a station for you and even recommend some great songs for you to listen. For people like me, who has absolutely no memory about "whom sing what at what time", it is just fantastic.

Too bad that it doesn't include any Mandarin or Asia songs in the system yet...
Tags: music, internet | Edit Tags

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面對網際網路的無限可能,我可不敢在一堆專家前班門弄斧... 只能偷偷的說,我有用功在讀書,而且這本在美日人寫的書,我有看懂喔! (偷笑中)


在我是小朋友的時代,資訊是單向被給予的,事情是非黑及白的! 而對我女兒現在生長的這個時代,資訊多到令人想吐,但其正確性或者是適用性卻都要靠自己來分辨,當我無法過濾或了解所有她所取得的資訊,我應該用什麼態度,什麼方法,來教導她呢?


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I went to my friend's new house today and found that she has installed TIVO.

I first heard the word "TIVO" from "Sex and the City". Now seeing TIVO in my friend's house, I can truly understand why Marenda loved it so much. When I came back to my flat, I started to search info from the net but there isn't many info out there yet. It seems that one of the local Taipei cable TV vendor has a joint-promotion with TIVO (actually the promotion is to install TIVO with cable moden) and it's around NTD350/per month. But even there is a joint-promotion, still, I don't think they really "promote" it. There is no above the line or below the line marketing champaign ever.

Why isn't TIVO popular in Taiwan yet? I wonder...

Well, hope it will. So we can sell Internet Ads or Search Ads soon to them and 東森. Tags: tv, internet, idea, tivo | Edit Tags

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